
About Biopix

Biopix is a collection of biological photos, primarily from Scandinavia. Biopix is used online by a wide range of students, teachers, researchers, photographers etc. The photos are used professionally in a large range of publications; the sale helps to cover the expences.


Photographers are primarily:

Antje Neumann
(plant ecologist and nature guide )

Dorte og Flemming Sørensen
(Lille Vildmose experts )

Geir Drange
(engineer )
Home page

Ib Nord Nielsen
(Forester/Projekt manager )

Jens Christian Schou
(botanist, teacher, scientific illustrator, writer )
Home page

Jens Kristian Overgaard
(teacher )

Johnny Madsen
(agronomist , nature photographer )

Lars Skipper
(zoologist, entomologist )

Lennarth Skov Espersen
(biologist )

Niels Sloth
(biologist PhD )
Home page

Steen Drozd Lund
(nature photographer )


The photos were mainly taken with professional digital cameras.


We use a lot of energy with help from many specialists to ensure the correct names on all organisms. If, however, anybody should find wrong species names, we are very grateful for corrections

Sincerely Niels Sloth

Hits since 08/2003: 999.081.315

Sally Lightfoot (Grapsus grapsus) Meadow Crane´S-Bill (Geranium pratense)  (Pararge aegeria) Ringed Plover (Charadrius hiaticula) Large Tortoiseshell (Nymphalis xanthomelas) Eurasian Collared Dove (Streptopelia decaocto) Downy Emerald (Cordulia aenea) Common Globularia (Globularia vulgaris)

BioPix - nature photos/images