

Tofta Skjutfält, Gotland, Sverige



Bird´S-Foot Sedge (Carex ornithopoda) photo

Bird´S-Foot Sedge (Carex ornithopoda) photo
Carex ornithopoda © Biopix: JC Schou
Tofta Skjutfält, Gotland, Sverige
Zoom in on the original photo by click at the right. Put it in Lightbox, see family, etc. by clicking on the links at the left.
Bird´S-Foot Sedge (Carex ornithopoda) Photo 58534
Bird´S-Foot Sedge (Carex ornithopoda) Photo 98913
Bird´S-Foot Sedge (Carex ornithopoda) Photo 58536
Bird´S-Foot Sedge (Carex ornithopoda) Photo 58535
Bird´S-Foot Sedge (Carex ornithopoda) Photo 58533
Bird´S-Foot Sedge (Carex ornithopoda) Photo 58530
Bird´S-Foot Sedge (Carex ornithopoda) Photo 58529
Bird´S-Foot Sedge (Carex ornithopoda) Photo 58528

Hits since 08/2003:

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