

Amager Fælled, Sjælland, Danmark



Clustered Stonewort (Tolypella glomerata) photo

Clustered Stonewort (Tolypella glomerata) photo
Tolypella glomerata © Biopix: JC Schou
Amager Fælled, Sjælland, Danmark
Zoom in on the original photo by click at the right. Put it in Lightbox, see family, etc. by clicking on the links at the left.
Clustered Stonewort (Tolypella glomerata) Photo 132224
Clustered Stonewort (Tolypella glomerata) Photo 132223
Clustered Stonewort (Tolypella glomerata) Photo 130903
Clustered Stonewort (Tolypella glomerata) Photo 132226
Clustered Stonewort (Tolypella glomerata) Photo 132225
Clustered Stonewort (Tolypella glomerata) Photo 132222
Clustered Stonewort (Tolypella glomerata) Photo 130906
Clustered Stonewort (Tolypella glomerata) Photo 130905
Clustered Stonewort (Tolypella glomerata) Photo 130904
Clustered Stonewort (Tolypella glomerata) Photo 130902
Clustered Stonewort (Tolypella glomerata) Photo 130901
Clustered Stonewort (Tolypella glomerata) Photo 130900
Clustered Stonewort (Tolypella glomerata) Photo 130899
Clustered Stonewort (Tolypella glomerata) Photo 130898
Clustered Stonewort (Tolypella glomerata) Photo 130897

Hits since 08/2003:

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