

Dalhem, Gotland, Sverige



Dalhem Kyrka Gotland photo

Dalhem Kyrka Gotland photo
Dalhem Kyrka Gotland © Biopix: JC Schou
Dalhem, Gotland, Sverige
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Dalhem Kyrka Gotland Photo 58632
Dalhem Kyrka Gotland Photo 58634
Dalhem Kyrka Gotland Photo 58633
Dalhem Kyrka Gotland Photo 58631

Hits since 08/2003:

Ringed Plover (Charádrius hiaticula) Dog Stinkhorn (Mutinus caninus) House Martin (Delichon urbica) partridge (Perdix perdix) Euphrasia salisburgensis var. schoenicola Common Meadow-Rue (Thalictrum flavum) Green Hairstreak (Callophrys rubi) Baume les Messieurs

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