

Århus Botaniske Have



Lapland Rose-bay (Rhododendron lapponicum) photo

Lapland Rose-bay (Rhododendron lapponicum) photo
Rhododendron lapponicum © Biopix: JC Schou
Århus Botaniske Have
Zoom in on the original photo by click at the right. Put it in Lightbox, see family, etc. by clicking on the links at the left.
Lapland Rose-bay (Rhododendron lapponicum) Photo 90566
Lapland Rose-bay (Rhododendron lapponicum) Photo 90567
Lapland Rose-bay (Rhododendron lapponicum) Photo 82632
Lapland Rose-bay (Rhododendron lapponicum) Photo 82631
Lapland Rose-bay (Rhododendron lapponicum) Photo 77626

Hits since 08/2003: 1.001.638.142

Klippekyst Mnemiopsis leidyi  (Dolomedes plantarius) New Zealand West Coast Agile frog (Rana dalmatina) Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum) jay (Garrulus glandarius) Crioceris asparagi

BioPix - nature photos/images