

Munkholm Skov, Mariager, Danmark



Lesser Featherwort (Plagiochila asplenioides ssp. porelloides) photo

Lesser Featherwort (Plagiochila asplenioides ssp. porelloides) photo
Plagiochila asplenioides ssp. porelloides © Biopix: JC Schou
Munkholm Skov, Mariager, Danmark
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Lesser Featherwort (Plagiochila asplenioides ssp. porelloides) Photo 54866
Lesser Featherwort (Plagiochila asplenioides ssp. porelloides) Photo 78014
Lesser Featherwort (Plagiochila asplenioides ssp. porelloides) Photo 78013
Lesser Featherwort (Plagiochila asplenioides ssp. porelloides) Photo 78012
Lesser Featherwort (Plagiochila asplenioides ssp. porelloides) Photo 78011
Lesser Featherwort (Plagiochila asplenioides ssp. porelloides) Photo 54868
Lesser Featherwort (Plagiochila asplenioides ssp. porelloides) Photo 54867
Lesser Featherwort (Plagiochila asplenioides ssp. porelloides) Photo 54865
Lesser Featherwort (Plagiochila asplenioides ssp. porelloides) Photo 54864
Lesser Featherwort (Plagiochila asplenioides ssp. porelloides) Photo 54863
Lesser Featherwort (Plagiochila asplenioides ssp. porelloides) Photo 54862
Lesser Featherwort (Plagiochila asplenioides ssp. porelloides) Photo 54861
Lesser Featherwort (Plagiochila asplenioides ssp. porelloides) Photo 54860
Lesser Featherwort (Plagiochila asplenioides ssp. porelloides) Photo 54855
Lesser Featherwort (Plagiochila asplenioides ssp. porelloides) Photo 54854

Hits since 08/2003:

European Pine Shoot Moth (Rhyacionia buoliana) black grouse (Tetrao tetrix) Gannet (Morus serrator) Edible frog (Rana esculenta) Milford Sound Eurasian Wryneck (Jynx torquilla) Virginian Rose (Rosa virginiana) Scarce Swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius)

BioPix - nature photos/images