

Katbjerg Odde, Jylland, Danmark



Mycena agrestis photo

Mycena agrestis photo
Mycena agrestis © Biopix: JC Schou
Katbjerg Odde, Jylland, Danmark
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Mycena agrestis Photo 76096

Hits since 08/2003: 1.020.588.902

Notonecta viridis Common Tiger (Danaus genutia) Fool´s Funnel (Clitocybe rivulosa) Northern Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) Pointed Spear-moss (Calliergonella cuspidata) Egghead Mottlegill (Panaeolus semiovatus) Moor-king (Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum) Rhizophora mucronata

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