

Gilsätra Öland



Oedemera femorata photo

Oedemera femorata photo
Oedemera femorata © Biopix: N Sloth
Gilsätra Öland
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Oedemera femorata Photo 113645
Oedemera femorata Photo 111879
Oedemera femorata Photo 113644
Oedemera femorata Photo 113643

Hits since 08/2003: 1.018.630.800

robin (Erithacus rubecula) Ladder Flapwort (Nardia scalaris) Notostira sp. Marram - Marram Grass (Ammophila arenaria) Fingered Speedwell (Veronica triphyllos) Greater Dodder (Cuscuta europaea) Maidenhair Pocket-moss (Fissidens adianthoides) Carex magellanica ssp. irrigua

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