

Kværkeby Mose, Midtsjælland, Denmark



Platycheirus peltatus photo

Platycheirus peltatus photo
Platycheirus peltatus © Biopix: S Drozd Lund
Kværkeby Mose, Midtsjælland, Denmark
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Platycheirus peltatus Photo 109939
Platycheirus peltatus Photo 109940
Platycheirus peltatus Photo 109938
Platycheirus peltatus Photo 109937
Platycheirus peltatus Photo 109936
Platycheirus peltatus Photo 109935

Hits since 08/2003:

 (Harpalus tardus) Phratora vitellinae Limnephilus flavicornis Chrysotoxum bicinctum Gold Spot (Plusia festucae) Donacia thalassina Plumed Prominent (Ptilophora plumigera) Small Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla pratensis)

BioPix - nature photos/images