

Forstbotanisk Have, Århus



Red Lungwort (Pulmonaria rubra) photo

Red Lungwort (Pulmonaria rubra) photo
Pulmonaria rubra © Biopix: JC Schou
Forstbotanisk Have, Århus
Zoom in on the original photo by click at the right. Put it in Lightbox, see family, etc. by clicking on the links at the left.
Red Lungwort (Pulmonaria rubra) Photo 20532
Red Lungwort (Pulmonaria rubra) Photo 20530
Red Lungwort (Pulmonaria rubra) Photo 104726
Red Lungwort (Pulmonaria rubra) Photo 104725
Red Lungwort (Pulmonaria rubra) Photo 104724
Red Lungwort (Pulmonaria rubra) Photo 104723
Red Lungwort (Pulmonaria rubra) Photo 20533
Red Lungwort (Pulmonaria rubra) Photo 20531
Red Lungwort (Pulmonaria rubra) Photo 6826
Red Lungwort (Pulmonaria rubra) Photo 6825
Red Lungwort (Pulmonaria rubra) Photo 6824

Hits since 08/2003:

Garlic Parachute (Marasmius alliaceus) German yellow jacket wasp (Paravespula germanica) Potamogeton perfoliatus x praelongus Alpine Speedwell (Veronica alpina) Velvet Shield (Pluteus umbrosus) Chara connivens Lestes sp. Graphoderus sp.

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