
Støblingestenen. DR 391. 1050-1150. Indskriften lyder: barni * auk * sibi * auk -ofi * þeiR * reistu * sdei(n) (*) (e)ftiR * ke(t)(i)l * faþu r sin * (k)ristr (*) (h)lbi hns siol * Barni ok Sibbi ok [T]ófi þeir reistu stein eptir Ketil, fôður s


Øster Marie Kirke, Bornholm




Støblingestenen. DR 391. 1050-1150. Indskriften lyder: barni * auk * sibi * auk -ofi * þeiR * reistu * sdei(n) (*) (e)ftiR * ke(t)(i)l * faþu r sin * (k)ristr (*) (h)lbi hns siol * Barni ok Sibbi ok [T]ófi þeir reistu stein eptir Ketil, fôður s

Runesten Oester Marie Kirke Bornholm photo

Runesten Oester Marie Kirke Bornholm photo
Runesten Oester Marie Kirke Bornholm © Biopix: JC Schou
Øster Marie Kirke, Bornholm
Zoom in on the original photo by click at the right. Put it in Lightbox, see family, etc. by clicking on the links at the left.
Runesten Oester Marie Kirke Bornholm Photo 25307
Runesten Oester Marie Kirke Bornholm Photo 25306
Runesten Oester Marie Kirke Bornholm Photo 25305
Runesten Oester Marie Kirke Bornholm Photo 25304
Runesten Oester Marie Kirke Bornholm Photo 25303
Runesten Oester Marie Kirke Bornholm Photo 25302
Runesten Oester Marie Kirke Bornholm Photo 25301
Runesten Oester Marie Kirke Bornholm Photo 25300

Hits since 08/2003: 999.963.905

Three-Flowered Rush (Juncus triglumis) Bog Arum (Calla palustris) Strandeng Comma (Polygonia c-album)  (Orthetrum coerulescens) Nymphaea alba var. rosea Ribbed Pine Borer (Rhagium inquisitor) Brambling (Fringilla montifringilla)

BioPix - nature photos/images