

Hanstedreservatet, Thy



Wind Eyebright (Euphrasia nemorosa) photo

Wind Eyebright (Euphrasia nemorosa) photo
Euphrasia nemorosa © Biopix: JC Schou
Hanstedreservatet, Thy
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Wind Eyebright (Euphrasia nemorosa) Photo 113250
Wind Eyebright (Euphrasia nemorosa) Photo 6774
Wind Eyebright (Euphrasia nemorosa) Photo 113249
Wind Eyebright (Euphrasia nemorosa) Photo 30967
Wind Eyebright (Euphrasia nemorosa) Photo 30966
Wind Eyebright (Euphrasia nemorosa) Photo 30965
Wind Eyebright (Euphrasia nemorosa) Photo 26121
Wind Eyebright (Euphrasia nemorosa) Photo 26120

Hits since 08/2003: 1.020.713.524

Ringed Plover (Charádrius hiaticula) False-heath Fritillary (Melitaea diamina) Tiger Longwing (Heliconius hecale) Dolomedes plantarius Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) Leptogium lichenoides White Admiral (Limenitis camilla)

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